TestComplete Tutorial 14 - Object identification criteria in Name Mapping

 The object identification criteria that the repository stores and that TestComplete uses to search for objects in the applications can be:

Property-value pairs - 

For example: ObjectType = Page, URL=http://example.com

Conditional expressions - 

For example: WndCaption = Open OR Select File

Selectors - (for web and mobile applications)

For web applications, it can be XPath expressions and CSS selectors, for example, //input[@id='instasearch'] or #instasearch. For mobile applications, it can be the object class name, accessibility identifier, or an XPath expression, for example, XCUIElementTypeStatusBar or //*[@name="Orders"].

Extended search - 

Search for an object on all the levels down the object hierarchy rather than just on the current level.

Required child objects - 

Search for an object that has specific child objects.
